Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kitchen-Capades with Kelsey

Hey guys! I decided to make cookies today. I've become pretty adept at chocolate chip cookies (if I do say so myself) and Mike is always asking for oatmeal cookies. So, I searched the web for a great oatmeal cookie recipe without raisins (since neither Mike nor I care for raisins much). I stumbled across this Maple Oatmeal Cookies recipe and decided to give it a shot. Note: I added a few ingredients/steps of my own.

Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Step 2: Put on super cute apron

Step 3: Gather ingredients for charming photo-op

Step 4: Start actually baking

Step 5: Turn on some fun music (ex: Michael Jackson's Number Ones)

Step 6: Continue actually baking

Step 7: Finish actually baking

Step 8: EAT!!!!!!!! (and dance to sweet MJ beats)

Disclaimer: No cookies were burned during dance sequence photo shoot. Please don't try this at home. Or do, and beware of the consequences. Either way, have fun!


  1. Looks and sounds good to me!:D

    Thanks for sharing the recipe and pictures.

    ***** Marie *****

  2. sweet dance moves!!

    and i love your apron!
