Knitting and crocheting are very sedentary, indoor activities. When you live in a place that is sunny and 85-90 degrees EVERY DAY you dont much feel like cozying up with a ball of yarn on your sofa. However, now that fall is approaching (it's still sunny and 85 by the way)I am more inclined to spend less time doing my summer hobby (tanning) and more time cozying up with all that yarn.
Here is a glance at the projects I am determined to finish before the end of 2010. Let's call it a "3/4 Year Resolution".
My neglected knitting basket bursting with heaps of yarn.
This is a baby blanket for my nephew Benjamin. I originally wanted to finish it in March when he and Kim came up to visit in Philly. Then I thought I'd have it ready for when I saw Benjamin at the Outer Banks for family vacation in July. No dice. Then I thought "His first birthday is in August! A perfect gift!" Didn't happen. So this one is my priority at the moment because at this rate, Benji will be off to college before I finish this thing. And by that time the blanket will have to be 5 times bigger in which case I'd be totally screwed. And while the blanket is looking a little "Jewish prayer clothy" right now, there is no way I am starting over. Maybe I'll add some yellow buttons or something.*
I started this blanked in January. My friend/ex-coworker, Meghan Bierschmitt, taught me this crochet technique and we used to work on our blankets together during our lunch breaks. When I moved to CA it made me a little sad to work on this blanket because I would reminisce and miss Philly. But as soon as I finish Benjamin's blanket, this one is next! I'll put on my big girl pants and crochet! This one is nearly done anyway so it shouldn't take too long.
These bad boys are another result of tutoring under Meghan. Granny squares are a lot of fun to make. I worked on these during my morning commute on the BART train here in CA a few times but, it made me a little nauseous so I stopped. I am not sure what I'll do with all these. Any ideas? I could attach them and make a blanket but I'd have to teach myself how to do that... which will likely result in it not happening at all.
Thanks for your support! If any of you still bother to check and see if I actually posted something- THANKS!!!
*Note: Not that Jewish prayer cloths are bad, it's just that neither I, nor my nephew are Jewish so it wouldn't make sense to make one for him.
** Just remembered something else I haven't finished- mastering Spanish via Rosetta Stone! Mike and I bought it as a Christmas gift for each other last year and neither of us has advanced past Lesson 2.***
***I would just like to say that the reason I have not advanced passed level 2 is NOT because it is too difficult. I minored in Spanish!
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