I was just saying to Mike the other day that sometime down the pike I'd like to get a new camera so I can have better quality pictures on my blog. I visit other blogs frequently and wonder how these people get such great photos of their own house, crafts, food, family, etc. So I am SUPER pumped that "down the pike" is NOW!
The ever generous and thoughtful Mr. & Mrs. Logan Sr. have birthday-gifted Mike and I with an AMAZING new camera! A Nikon D3000! I don't know jack diddly about photography so I am a little intimidated by this fancy piece of equipment. But, with my pending unemployment, I am sure to have plenty of time to play and learn.
Lot's to do in the next few weeks: packing, shipping, loading, closing, opening, moving, hugging, crying, unloading, job searching and picture taking :)
PS- Get ready for tons of great (amateur) pictures of my knitting, crocheting, new apartment decorating and Danville, CA!! Thank you Tim and Ellen! You won't be disappointed :)